Sostegno Finanziario per la Ricerca di myDoctorAngel


At myDoctorAngel, we believe that research is essential to better care and improved quality of life. Our mission is to provide personalized and innovative support in the care of patients with chronic or oncological diseases. This would not be complete without an ongoing commitment to research.
Your generous donations will be used transparently to conduct advanced research and develop new treatment modalities geared towards the patient’s quality of life.

What we offer

  • Donazioni Online:

You can make a donation online safely and conveniently through our website. Every contribution, big or small, makes a difference.


  • Monthly Donations:

Please consider making a monthly donation to continuously support myDoctorAngel’s research.

  • In Memory or Honor of Someone:

You can dedicate your donation in memory of a loved one you have lost or in honor of a person who is battling cancer or a chronic illness.

  • Sponsorship Options:

If you are a business or organization, you can collaborate with myDoctorAngel through sponsorship and partnership programs to support research and patient support.

Your Contribution Counts:

Every donation we receive represents hope for myDoctorAngel patients and their families. Your financial support can help fund innovative studies and develop treatment programs that are more effective in improving the quality of life of those facing a serious illness.

Transparency and Responsibility:

We are committed to ensuring maximum transparency in the use of research donations. Periodically, we will share updates and findings from research funded by your generous donations.

Join us in favor of the quality of life of patients:

Together, we can make a difference in the fight against cancer and chronic diseases. Choose to support myDoctorAngel’s research and help us bring hope, innovation and care to those who need it most.

To make a donation or for more information about our research initiatives, visit our Research Donations page on our website or contact us directly on +41 91 262 2070 or by email at

Your generosity is the engine that fuels research for efficient and innovative healthcare. Thank you for being part of our mission.